Windows 2008 - Remote IIS Management

Remote IIS Web management is now available in DotNetPanel!

Resellers: to enable this feature for your clients, first you will need to enable the function in each hosting plan. Click Hosting plans on the left of DotNetPanel when you login to enable this.

To connect to your website remotely do the following:

1) Login to DotNetPanel, click web > websites

2) Click the website you wish to enable for IIS Remote management tool.

3) Click the last tab "management"

4) Create a username and password, and then click enable.

*when the page reloads, make sure it now shows that Management is now enabled.*

5) Using Windows Vista, Windows 2008 or Windows 7, Open IIS 7 by going to control panel > administrative tools > Internet Information Services

*note, you can install IIS if not installed from add/remove windows features from program & features*  You can also download the IIS Management console directly from Microsoft using either of these two urls.



6) Once IIS is loaded click connect to a site as shown below:

7) Enter the server name that appears in DotNetPanel.

for site name, enter your full domain name without www.
*NOTE* this will not work if you enter www. on your domain name on site name. as shown below:

8 ) Click next and enter your username and password.

9) The next screen will ask you to enter a friendly name. This can be any name you with to give your website when remotely managing it.

10) Your will now be connected. You maybe prompted to download some additional applications for the remote management to work.