How to use the File Manager

Starting File Manager

To open the file manager, click File Manager menu item in the left menu pane of the appropriate hosting space.


Navigating through folders is accomplished by clicking on the folder name. You can also navigate through folders using breadcrumb pane. 


Home link at the left corner of the breadcrumb will always return you to the highest possible directory within your space. 

Copying Files / Folders

The file manager makes it easy to copy files between folders. The first step is to navigate to the source directory. That is, go into the directory you want to copy files from. Second, select files/folders you want to copy using check boxes.

Then, click Snap30.pngbutton and choose the destination directory from the dropdown box.

Finally, click Copy button.

Moving Files / Folders

To move files, use the same procedure as copying files, except click Snap31.png button instead of Snap30.png button.

Renaming Files / Folders

Click the rename.png link next to the file or folder you wish to rename. Rename File / Folder screen will open.

Type the new file name and click Rename button. 

Deleting Files / Folders

First, select files / folders you wish to delete using check boxes. Then, click delete.png button.  Confirmation screen will open.

Finally, click Delete button.

Please note that deleting a directory also erases everything inside of it.

Changing File / Folder Permissions

Click the perm1.png link next to the file or folder you wish to change. File / Folder Permissions screen will open.

Check all necessary permissions and click Set Permissions button. 

Creating New Folder

Creating a new folder is very simple.  First, navigate to the directory where you want the new folder to be. Next, click newfolder.png button. Create Folder screen will open.

Finally, type a new folder name and click Create button.

Creating New File

First, navigate to the directory where you want to create a new file. Next, click Snap33.png button. Create File screen will open.

Type a new file name and optionally file content. Finally, click Create button.

Uploading File

First, navigate to the directory where you want to upload a file. Next, click upload.png button. Upload File screen will open.

Click Browse button and select your local file to upload. Finally, click Upload button.

Creating Access Database

First, navigate to the directory where you want to create a new database. Next, click access.png button. Create Access Database screen will open.

Type database name and click Create button.

Zipping Files / Folders

First, select files / folders you wish to zip using check boxes. Then, click zip.png button.  Zip Files screen will open.

Type zip file name and click Zip button. New zip file will be created in the current directory.

Unzipping Files

First, copy necessary zip file(s) to the directory where you want the extracted files to be. Then, select zip file(s) to extract using check boxes. Finally, click unzip.png button.  All files/folders from the selected zip file(s) will be extracted to the current directory.

Calculating Disk Space

To calculate disk space, just click Calculate Diskspace button located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Message box will open.

Click OK button to recalculate disk space. (Note that recalculating task will be performed asynchronously and a new disk space value will be availble in a few minutes.)