How do I use MS SQL Management Studio to connect to my SQL Server database on my Windows VDS?

The following article explains how to use SQL Management Studio to connect to your SQL Server database on your Windows VDS. Through SQL Management Studio, you can manage the information in your database directly, from your local machine, rather than having to connect to your VDS server. If you do not have a copy of Management Studio, you can obtain a copy from Microsoft by clicking here (Microsoft requires you to register first).


To connect to your database, please follow these steps:

1) Click Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 and select SQL Server Management Studio

2) Enter the requested information:

  • Server Type: select Database Engine
  • Server Name: enter your IP address
  • Authentication: select SQL Server Authentication
  • Login: enter the username for your database
  • Password: enter the password for your database

3) Click Connect.

Management Studio will now connect you to your SQL Server database.