The following article explains how to create a domain in SmarterMail on your Windows VDS. This procedure will need to be performed for each domain you wish to setup in SmarterMail.
To create a domain in SmarterMail, please follow these steps:
1) Open a Web browser and browse to the SmarterMail web interface, http://ip_address:9998. Make sure that port: 9998 is enable on your VDS firewall (instructions for enabling firewall ports can be found here).
2) Login as the administrator using the following information:
- Full email address: admin
- Password: enter your SmarterMail admin password
3) Click the Manage icon.
4) From the Manage navigation panel, click New Domain.
5) On the Options tab, enter the requested information:
- Name: the domain name mail is being configured for
- IP Address: the ip address assigned for the domain
- User Name: the administrative user for the mail account
- Password: the password for the administrative user
6) On the Limits tab, set the mail limits for the domain, including Domain Disk Space and number of Users.
7) Click Save.
Article ID: 353, Created: 4/24/2009 at 10:17 AM, Modified: 5/22/2009 at 11:12 AM