To connect to your Microsoft SQL Server database with Visual Studio .NET, follow the steps listed below.
1) Open Server Explorer (View -> Server Explorer)
2) The Server Explorer should show up on the left hand side of the IDE
3) Right click on "Data Connections" and select "Add Connection".
4) Enter the Server Name in the first textbox (do not use the drop down box). MS SQL Server name can be found in the database manager section of the control panel.
5) Check "Use a specific user name and password:"
6) Enter your SQL username & password
7) Select your database from the dropdown list.
8) Click "Ok"
9) Once connected, you should see a new entry in the Data Connections Section
Article ID: 204, Created: 4/24/2009 at 8:53 AM, Modified: 4/25/2009 at 1:11 PM