If you can not log into your website's Frontpage extensions using Frontpage or vs.net and you have the secure folders installed, then you will need to follow these instructions to fix this problem.
Only follow these instructions if you have both the Frontpage extensions and secure folders installed.
1) First you will need to create a file called: htaccess.ini
2) Save this file in your domains \wwwroot folder
3) Add the following two lines to the htaccess.ini file:
AllowInheritance Yes
AllowFrontpage Yes
4) You should now be able to log into your site using Frontpage or vs.net.
NOTE: If you still have login issues, please contact tech support as FrontPage sometimes resets permissions required for Frontpage and the secure folders to work properly.
Article ID: 201, Created: 4/24/2009 at 8:51 AM, Modified: 4/24/2009 at 8:51 AM