WARNING: We blocked a virus that was sent to you

If you get an email with the Subject of "WARNING: We blocked a virus that was sent to you" this means that Declude spam/virus scanning has found an issue with the email sent to you.

If there is a true virus, the email text should tell you the virus name and you should not see the text "Vulnerability virus".  If you do see something like:

The Declude Virus v4.3.7 software on somedomain.com has reported that you were sent an E-mail from <>, containing the HEADER Vulnerability virus in the Non Standard Header attachment. The subject of the E-mail was "xyz".  The "HEADER Vulnerability virus in the Non Standard Header attachment" means that the email had a bad header format or that the from address is blank. 

Another example is:


The Declude Virus v4.3.7 software on somedomain.com has reported that you were sent an E-mail from xyz@zyx.com, containing the [Outlook 'MIME segment in MIME Preamble' Vulnerability] virus in the [No attachment] attachment. The subject of the E-mail was "testing".   This means that Declude considers this email a virus/spam formatted email since its not in the proper format.  This type of error usually results from an email client that has not been recently patched.